About This Blog & Botshabelo

As a social work graduate student at the University of Texas at Austin, I will be traveling to South Africa for four months for my final field placement at Botshabelo Community Development Trust. I am so excited to meet this challenge and apply what I have learned to a community in the country where a career in social work first occurred to me four years ago. Follow me, my adventures, and learning in my last semester of graduate school here on this blog!

Founded in December 1990, Botshabelo Community Development Trust, Magaliesburg, is a rural community made up of a school, orphanage, medical clinic and village. We care for children whose families can't afford to care for them and those orphaned by HIV/AIDS. Some of our children are living with HIV as well. Our philosophy is to help anyone who needs it, regardless of background or age. We can't turn away anyone who comes to us for help, whether they are an adult, a child, or even an animal. As a result, our village is now home to about 1,000 men, women and children, plus a few dogs, cats, and snakes.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Acacia Africa Overland Truck Tour: The Middle & The End

Well, folks, my overland truck tour has officially come to and end as of a few hours ago. I'm absolutely devastated as this has been one of the very best experiences of my entire life, but I am so grateful that it happened at all. From the activities, to the traveling, to the group, this was a stellar experience from beginning to end. I honestly cannot stop saying "I can believe this/that happened!" We did so much and were so lucky and I am very glad to be able to share it with you all at last!

For brevity and organization's sake, I'll maintain the format of my previous post and hit the highlights in bullets:

  • A much nicer township tour than the one in Cape Town in Mondesa township outside of Swakopmund, Namibia (and Kelly even made it happen when I was going to be the only client and the company's policy was to cancel);
  • A horseback ride across the "moonscape" of the Namib Desert;
  • A bush walk through Spitzkoppe, including a look at ancient rock paintings made by the Nama People thousands of years ago;
  • A gorgeous sunset and sleeping on the bare rocks at Spitzkoppe under a cloudy sky after seeing 8 seriously dangerous scorpions scuttling around the campsite;
    • A "bush fireworks" demonstration involving tossing flouride stones into the fire and watching them pop and glow neon blue;
    • Sidebar: did you know that a UV light will make scorpions appear like white under a black light??? I didn't, but it does, and it looked like something out of a creepy sci-fi movie;
Spitzkoppe sunset with the truck, White Nile, and our campfire circle in the foreground.
  • Close-up and personal interactions and photo ops with "rescued" cheetahs (the quotation marks are due to some questions about the nature of the organizations acquisition of these particular cheetahs, but from a personal perspective, it was amazing to be able to get so close to them);
Cheetah cuddles.
  • An absolutely mind-blowing game drive in Etosha National Park in Namibia, chock full of animals we weren't supposed to see at all given that it's the wet season and, therefore, the wrong season for game viewing;
    • (The wet season is the "wrong" season because water is plentiful, so animals don't have to congregate at water holes, making it easier to find them. Also, the vegetation is thicker during the rains, so it makes spotting the animals that are around that much harder.)
    • We saw 20+ lions spread across four different sightings, elephants, ostriches, wildebeest, gemsbok (pronounced "hemsbock"), hartebeest (a kind of antelope whose horns look kind of like a heart), masses of zebra, springbok, and kudu;
Wild lion papa in Etosha!
  • Two awe inspiring evenings at our campsite's floodlit water hole watching dozens of animals come to drink, including 2 elephants, several giraffe (which are hilarious to watch drinking), and 8 remarkably rare black rhino in a single night (it was so special that I cried);
Two black rhino wading into the watering hole to drink. (Not bad for no tripod, hey?)
  • Seeing jackal running through the campsite, searching for trashcans to raid;
  • A goofy perspective photo withe the entire tour group on the salt pans in Etosha;
nom nom nom
  • A border crossing into Botswana and away from the gravel roads of Namibia, at last;
  • Another group-cementing volleyball game (which my team won - DUH);
  • A scenic flight over the Okavanga Delta, an inland river delta in Botswana, from which we could see amazing scenery dotted with elephants, hippos, buffalo, and antelope;
Delta views with game trails crisscrossing the water.
  • A night at a remote camp in the delta only accessible by four wheel drive truck and dug out canoes called makoro;
  • A refreshing dip in a "safe" swimming hole with no hippos (or so they told us);
    • One of our guides, Phil, chose this moment to go under the murky water and swim between me and Zach, brushing up against our legs, leading us to believe something else was in the water with us (I thought Zach was messing with me and Zach thought we were all going to die);
  • Two game walks through the delta, during which we came upon a buffalo that almost charged us (and they don't mock charge, they just destroy you) and a couple elephant who were trying to sniff out what we were and whether we were a threat;
  • Hours of the single most beautiful thunder and lightning storm I've ever seen, without a single drop of rain falling directly over our camp;
A view from our campsite of the thunderstorm rolling by after returning from the evening game walk.
  • A performance of traditional song and dance by our Botswanan campsite crew around the campfire;
  • Spotting a outrageously rare pack of wild/painted dogs on the side of the road (unfortunately, one had been hit by a car);
    • Our driver, being from South Africa and having driven for Acacia for years had never seen them before in the wild. THAT'S HOW RARE THEY ARE;
  • A night's stay at Elephant Sands, a campsite that is regularly leveled by elephants in the dry season when they are trying to get the water from the pipes/swimming pool;
    • The bathroom block nearest our campsite was still torn up from this past year when the elephants tore it up;
    • Just as I was gathering my things in the truck to go take a shower in said bathroom block, an elephant walked right in front of us and carried on toward the water hole near the campsite's bar and swimming pool where it was joined by several others;
    • A bull elephant nearly charged some of my fellow travelers at the same bathroom block minutes later and actually mock charged us on the bar patio (he was obviously cranky from the start, but also some people are stupid/have a death wish and continued to talk at full volume and take flash photography 20ft from a wild bull elephant). 'Twas exhilarating and terrifying;
  • A night of stargazing in near complete darkness in remote Botswana, learning all about the summer stars in the southern hemisphere;
  • An optional game drive into Chobe National Park, which only three of us opted in for, and which everybody else totally missed out on (suckers!);
    • We weren't even two minutes down the road from our campsite on our way to the park before we saw an entire herd of elephant crossing the road;
    • Inside the park we saw impala (zillions of them), waterbuck (an antelope that has a white ring around it's butt that looks like it sat on a toilet seat with wet paint), fish eagle, kudu, warthog, buffalo, giraffe, hippo, baboons, and LOADS of elephants, some of which were very close to our truck (as in maybe 15ft away at one point), eating, drinking, and wallowing in mud;
    • We also learned the story of an island in the middle of the Chobe river that has the Botswanan flag flying over it: apparently both Botswana and Namibia wanted it, but after years in court, they determined that the deepest part of the river, which is the border between the two countries at that point, was between Namibia and the island, so it was given to Botswana;
    • The elephants in the park apparently will often spend the day time on the Namibian side of the river and cross back into Chobe Park and Botswana before the sun sets because they know that poaching is less policed in Namibia and they are more protected in the national park (elephants are pretty smart);
One of 10,000 photos taken of Chobe National Park elephants that day.
  • A "sunset game cruise" along the Chobe River with the rest of our tour group that rapidly devolved into a booze cruise as we were encouraged to bring our own drinks, then rain began pouring down over our poorly sheltered boat, leading the animals to retreat into the trees or underwater;
    • There was another group from another overland truck company on this tour who were into our shenanigans at first, but eventually congregated at the stern of the boat looking on at us in intimidated silence (we later learned it was the group's very first night together);
    • It was also on this cruise that it was suggested that two on our tour who had formed a little vacation romance should get married on our last night together (to be continued . . . );
  • A border crossing into Zambia;
  • A rainy visit to the Zambian side of Victoria Falls, where approximately 30% of the falls lie (this was the side I missed the last time I was at the falls and there was also quite a bit more water this time around);
    • I had so much fun running around to all the viewpoints and getting absolutely soaking wet. I felt like a little kid playing in the rain;
A soaking wet welcome to Zambia's Victoria Falls!
  • My very first go at whitewater rafting on the world-renowned Zambezi River, the river making up Victoria Falls and the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe (buckle up, because I'm going to dedicate some space to describing this experience in great detail);
    • I was hesitant to try this activity here, but I figured since I had done most everything else adrenalin-wise that was available in the area the last time I visited the Falls, I might as well. The rainy season meant that the craziest rapids were too full with water to be able to raft anymore, so we started at rapid 7b and went all the way down to rapid 25;
    • We had to hike down into the gorge to begin our rafting adventure and there ended up being six folks from my tour group who went together in one boat along with another guy from Germany and our guide;
    • Rapids are classified based on several factors to help communicate their danger and difficulty. My understanding is that raftable rapids are basically on a scale from 1 to 6, with 6 being off limits to commercial rafting. Our very first rapid was a class 4, which as been described as "Long, difficult rapids with constricted passages that often require complex maneuvering in turbulent water. The course may be hard to determine and scouting is often necessary." On this very first rapid . . . we flipped. On the first stretch of the rapid. We were already in the braced position as per our guide's instructions  so that meant that we were crouched on the bottom of the boat, holding onto the safety line (AKA the "oh shit" line) that goes around the boat, so we were in the best position possible, but still incredibly vulnerable. We flipped from my side of the boat, meaning I went flying backwards and plunged into the water with the boat crashing down on top of me. I don't remember a lot of details about it anymore, but I do remember that I legitimately believed I might drown at one point when my helmet got caught under the boat underwater, I couldn't see because the boat was between me and the direction we were traveling and my contacts were all over the place, I swallowed approximately half the Zambezi, I lost my paddle about halfway down the rapid, and it lasted FOREVER before we got to the end of the rapid and the guide could right the boat and get us all back in. IT. SUCKED. Others on the trip said later that they thought it was fun. I call bullshit. It was NOT fun. I laughed about it after because we all survived and ya gotta release the tension somehow, but we just as easily could not have survived and I don't find that fun. Nature, and water in particular, are a force unlike any other and I have a tremendous and healthy respect for it's power. Mercifully, the rest of the day went better and just after that flip we had a chance to get out and walk along the bank of the river to miss a class 6 rapid, which meant I could stand up, breath, be grateful, and decide how I wanted to continue;
    • I chose to stay in the boat with my team and, mercifully, the rest of the rapids went really well and I enjoyed the experience immensely thereafter. We even got to swim down some of the class 2 rapids without the boat (don't worry, we had awesome lifejackets and helmets on)! And we only saw four teenie tiny baby crocodiles on the banks of the river and not IN the river with us throughout the course of the day;

      Our boat actually making it over a rapid and having fun/not drowning!
  • An hour and a half stuck in a cable car dangling over the Zambezi gorge after whitewater rafting;
    • So, funny story, after surviving and ultimately enjoying the whitewater rafting experience, the universe threw us one last curveball for the day. I mentioned earlier that we hiked down the gorge to the river at the start of the day. Thankfully, or so we thought at the time, they offer a cable car that can get you out of the gorge at the end of the day when you're dead tired from paddling and nearly drowning all day. About halfway up, our cable car suddenly stalled. Everyone looked around at one another and up to the station on the edge of the gorge above us. I legitimately thought they were messing with us as there had been playful games like that all day. The guides, however, did not look playful. Everyone was nervous. In an ultimately hilarious move, one of the guides began putting his helmet and lifejacket back on while the rest of us asked if it was also a parachute. Luckily, we had radio contact with the station and a satellite phone on board (and even a harness and rope, might that be necessary). Perhaps even MORE luckily, the group of people was among the best for whom I could have hoped to be trapped with in a tiny box hanging over a considerable drop. Nobody panicked, everybody remained calm, we joked and sang together, and even invented a clever bathroom solution (that's going to stay between me and the others in the cable car that day). The short version of the story is that the engineer at the top noticed water leaking into the generator and, as a precaution, turned everything off. After that, they needed to acquire fuel for the backup generator and get the only guy in the world who has the code to release the emergency brakes to get down there. All told, it could have been a LOT worse and we could have been trapped there for much longer, or else in much more peril. Most of all, however, it was a true "this is Africa" or "TIA" moment of pretty epic proportions;
Happy cable car-imprisoned rafters, finally being pulled up to safety at the top of the gorge after an hour and a half of dangling and singing!
  • After finally returning to camp and scarfing our included "lunch" from the rafting trip at about 4pm, we joined the rest of our tour group for a booze cruise on the Zambezi as our last night blowout;
    • Some were flying home, some were continuing north to end their tours in Tanzania or Kenya, and others were joining my tour group that would head down to Johannesburg. We were never all going to be together again.
    • Remember that couple I mentioned that we decided should get married on the booze cruise on our last night together? Welp, there happened to be an actual minister on board . . . and he married them! To be fair, their vows said that they would spend "20% of their lives together" and they never signed anything, but the minister said that you didn't need to sign anything in Zambia, Tanzania, or Kenya, so congratulations to the happy couple (in those three countries)! What a ridiculous night;
    • I'll also take this opportunity to mention a drinking game that the Aussies who taught it to us maintain is not a game at all, in fact, but is a lifestyle. This lifestyle was embraced and maintained by our group 24 hours a day for the entire length of the tour and led to some pretty silly moments. If you'd like to learn more about Buffalo, you can read all about it in my forthcoming article deconstructing the sociological and group psychological processes involved when it is published upon my return to the States. (Or you could just ask me.)
  • A tearful goodbye as our truck headed for Johannesburg pulled out of the Livingstone campsite the following morning (nearly every single person from our tour made it up to say goodbye for our 7am departure after a late night the night before). It was beautiful;
  • A border crossing into Zimbabwe (back after just over four years!);
    • While waiting for our Zimbabwean visas, we were lounging on the truck with the windows open to keep it from getting too hot. Suddenly, a baboon leapt into the truck from the roof of the building, snatched a box of crackers and jumped back out. Our screams could be heard for miles. (We weren't the only ones, though! Another woman was chased by a baboon who wanted whatever she had in a plastic bag and I saw the same baboon steal three ears of corn from three different vehicles while we were waiting there. Baboons are horrifying.);
  • A game drive through Hwange National Park that was nearly underwhelming until we saw lions and elephants on our way out of the park and was also incredibly informative;
  • A night drive along the road with our guide from the day's game drive in the park, just to see what we might find along the road in the dark;
    • We spent some time at a water hole at a nearby fancy hotel where we saw elephant and buffalo and heard a chorus of champagne frogs whose calls sound like bubbles popping;
    • On the drive back, we spotted two elephant on the road up ahead. Suddenly, our guide, Jordan, turns off the spotlight, the headlights, even the parking lights on the vehicle and starts ACCELERATING TOWARD THE ELEPHANTS IN THE PITCH BLACK NIGHT!!! He threw the parking lights back on just in time to narrowly miss one of the elephants by about 4ft off the front bumper. He stopped and kept all the lights off. We could hear the elephants bellowing and roaring in the dark around us. Jordan turned the spot back on in time to watch one of the two elephants mock charge us. Jordan yelled back at him "NO!" fThe two we saw were young (thank God), but then we noticed noises coming from all around us and Jordan spotted other elephants on either side of the road. Yep. We were stopped in the middle of a herd and we couldn't drive away because starting the engine would be seen as a sign of aggression and elephants are really freaking fast and really freaking smart. So, we waited it out. Eventually, they calmed down and moved off a bit and we made it back to camp all in one piece. It was definitely a risk, but it sure was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for those of us who don't live and work in a Zimbabwean National Park;
    • We're also pretty sure we saw the exact same herd of elephants the next morning on the same road, only this time we didn't piss them off;
Proof of who is REALLY in charge on Zimbabwean roads.
  • A surreal return visit to Antelope Park where I had volunteered with the lion conservation project four years ago;
    • I walked with lions, interacted with cubs, visited the release pride, and went on a night encounter where the lions made a kill! I also got to see some of the people I'd worked so closely with four years ago, particularly the lion handlers. It felt so incredible to be back there and, as a friend described it, like visiting family.
    • That friend is someone I met four years ago while we were both volunteers but who is now running the research project with the Ngamo pride of lions that was released into their semi-wild enclosure just before we arrived back then. It was such a privilege to go out to the pride with her in the research truck, check in on the lions, catch up on our lives over the last few years, and talk about all the changes to Antelope Park;
    • We were there for less than 24 hours and there simply wasn't enough time to do everything I wanted to do. My only regret is that I never got a chance to go to the Breeding Program and visit the cubs, now fully grown lions, that I walked and worked with four years ago. But I got to hear all about them and it was still a magical visit;
Oh, you thought I got enough of these pictures four years ago? WRONG! No such thing as "enough."
  • A night at a campsite on the Zim side of the border with South Africa where, just as we were all gone to bed, we heard shouting three gunshots from the farm next-door, learning in the morning that he was killing a snake . . . . . . . . ;
  • A final border crossing back into South Africa;
  • Another absolutely fantastic, interactive, and fun cultural performance of song and dance from the many different tribes originating in South Africa;
  • An all-day game drive through the world-famous Kruger National Park, one of the few big-ticket items I felt like I missed out on the last time I was in South Africa;
    • We started SUPER early, leaving the campsite at 5:30am, ensuring that we had our best shot at seeing some of the cats in the park, as they get lazier and harder to spot as the day warms up;
    • By 7:45am we had seen elephant, buffalo, lion, and white rhino, making up four of the Big 5. The other animal in the Big 5 is a leopard, but they are incredibly difficult to spot at the very best of times and, unfortunately, we were never lucky enough to see one;
    • We also saw a pack of wild dogs or painted dogs AGAIN that day!!! There are only 120 in the entire park, which at 7,500+ square miles is one of the largest in Africa, and we saw nine of them. Up close. It was incredible;
White rhino buddies close to the truck.

A wild dog up close and personal! Aren't their coats gorgeous?
  • The final day of our tour was a driving day to get us from Kruger down to our accommodation in Johannesburg. It was relaxed, easy, and I have spent the last two days doing very little and sleeping a very lot.
As you can see, it's been a jam-packed month on this trip. I genuinely cannot believe everything that has happened, everything that I have had the privilege to do and see, the people I've met and who have become my friends, and the tremendous amount of luck and love that made it all possible. I am truly humbled and completely grateful and hope that my embarrassingly terrible memory will manage somehow to cling to every little detail of this trip for the rest of my life.

From here, I begin to switch gears into my time at my internship at Botshabelo Community Development Trust. I'll be picked up in a couple of hours to head that way and I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to rest and recuperate from the overland truck tour before making my way out there. I feel like I've been able to reorient my brain from travel mode to some version of school and work mode and I am ready to get this next adventure started. It's going to be tough and challenging and fulfilling and a true growing experience. I'm just eager to see what it all actually looks like. Wish me luck!

If you managed to actually read this entire post, I congratulate you. If you skipped to the end because oh-my-god-Jane-I-have-a-life-too, I completely understand. Thanks for reading any part of this. It really means a lot to me.

Until next time!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Acacia Africa Overland Truck Tour BEGINS!

I know that I suddenly went silent on you, dearest four people who are probably reading this blog. For that, I apologize. It was not my intention, but it was a necessity.

I believe that I last left off at Table Mountain back in Cape Town. Well, that morning I did make it up to the breathtaking views and changeable weather at the summit of Table Mountain with Claire and Alex, although not without some setbacks. Claire and Alex wanted to take the cable car up, but they were nice enough to also pick up a German guest at my hostel who wanted to hike up. So, we drove up to the base of the mountain, found a parking space, wished Katharina a pleasant and happy hike, and commenced waiting in line FOREVER. It seems we had all forgotten that it was the last Friday of the holiday weekend and, with the nice weather, that everyone in Cape Town would have the same idea we had to come to the mountain that day. We waited 2 hours and 45 minutes to ride the cable car up, and Katharina beat us up there by about an hour . . . on foot. Regardless, the views were incredible, as per usual and it was totally worth the wait. Including the extra hour in line to take the cable car back down the mountain!

The view from Table Mountain. Amirite?

After the Table Mountain excursion took far longer than expected, I parted ways with Alex and Claire and took to the city center. I just had the afternoon left in Cape Town before a pre-departure meeting for my 25-day overland truck tour that was to begin early the next morning, so I passed the time wandering around Long Street, Green Square Market, and District 6. I made it back to my hostel for the meeting in plenty of time and I got settled in and started chatting with the other folks who were gathering. As fate would have it, I sat between the only two other North Americans who, coincidentally, were both from Calgary, Canada. Otherwise, we soon learned that, while everyone was going to be on the tour for different lengths of time, we would all be together until Livingstone, Zambia, which was a ways away.

There are 23 of us in total, very nearly a full truck, and our size has earned us the largest and coolest truck in the fleet, White Nile as she's called, which includes enormous lockers, a freezer for our dinners, and compartments for all of our equipment and supplies. As well as the US and Canada, we have representation from Germany, Finland, England, Ireland, South Africa, and an enormous Australian contingent including folks from Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne. The group has been great so far and seems to be up for anything! The tour is for 18- to 39-year-olds, but we are mostly on the younger end of that spectrum, making for an often raucously fun time! It’s kind of fun to be a member of that group of people you hate sitting next to in a restaurant or movie theater!

Our tour group at the Tropic of Capricorn with our home for the month in the background.
Our guides are also tremendous and I feel so lucky to have them at the helm! Our tour guide, Kelly, is from the UK, but has lived in Australia and Africa for many years, four of which have been working for Acacia Africa, the overland truck tour company. She’s laid-back, efficient, full of ideas and solutions, and overall just a really cool chick. Mark is our driver/mechanic and is from South Africa. He is just brimming with information about the flora and fauna, as well as the cultural and historical context of our stops and each country. He’s also got a pretty terrific beard, which obviously coincides with his awesomeness. My favorite Mark quote so far was when he and Kelly were telling us about Red Romans, an insect that kills scorpions, but also has a tendency to scurry about near and on humans, if given the chance. He was telling us that often people think the Red Roman is chasing them, but in reality they are chasing their shadow because they can’t stand direct light. However, if a creepy crawly thing is perpetually barreling toward you and won’t stop, it can feel pretty terrifying. After explaining all of this in a fairly nonchalant way, he concluded with, “How fucked up is that shit?” Couldn’t have said it better myself, Mark.

Now, I know that you’re all clamoring to hear about absolutely every little detail of my last week, but I haven’t the time or patience to detail our entire trip, so I’ll hit the highlights for ya:
  • A tour of Langa, Cape Town’s oldest township, as well as a surprise lunch at Mzoli’s (can you say “meat coma?”);
  • A stay in a lovely vineyard, including a delicious dinner and a wine tasting (as well as an overly-amorous one-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy who took quite the shine to one of our Aussie boys);
    • On our first night we also learned to unpack the truck and set up our tents! Then, of course, the following morning how to do the reverse.
  • A border crossing from South Africa into Namibia;
  • Sighting two Red Romans (one of which did, in fact, scuttle up my leg) and one scorpion;
  • An incredibly pleasant, quiet, and scenic canoe trip along the Orange River (where there are no crocs or hippos to worry about);
  • Several long drives over gravel roads that are nearly invisible in the desert landscape), including one 600-kilometer (or ~375-mile) day;
  • A hike along the rim of the world’s second largest canyon, Fish River Canyon, topped off by a cold glass of champagne while watching the sun set and the full moon rise;
  • Only one very minor mechanical difficulty with the truck (so far);
  • Springbok and Oryx walking and grazing through our camp for the night;
  • A pre-dawn climb up an 80 meter sand dune to watch the sunrise from the top, then a run down the steep side back to the truck for breakfast;
  • A wander through the petrified acacia forest at the base of the desert’s largest dune, “Big Daddy;”
  • Crossing the Tropic of Capricorn;
  • Many afternoons enjoying the campsite’s pool, a cold drink, and each other’s company (including a sand volleyball game with a local team of Namibians);
  • A tour of the Mondesa township outside of Swakopmund, Namibia, including lunch, and a performance by an a capella group who arranges their own music;
  • And, to top it all off, a skydive over the Namib desert where the dunes meet the Atlantic Ocean over the town of Swakopmund!!!

Our Acacia Africa tour group at the wine tasting on our first night!
One of many Chaco photos, this one from Fish River Canyon in Namibia.
At about 3/4 of the way to the top of Dune 45 as the sun was rising.
Now, on that last point, I shall elaborate. I had no intention of doing another skydive on this trip for two main reasons: 1) I’ve done a skydive before and it was great, so no need to spend the money to do it again, and 2) I didn’t know there was an option on this trip to do one. Welp, there is an option to do one on this trip and Kelly and Mark were on about how much fun it is to get the whole tour out there to hang out and watch people going up and coming down, and while you’re there, why not just jump yourself? I started to get pretty excited by the idea, so I knew it was on. Being my second jump, I felt incredibly relaxed this time and the caliber of the company running them only helped me to relax more. They were professional, caring, and fun-loving guys, making for a fantastic experience. We had a few who were pretty nervous and others who were just chomping at the bit to get going, but everyone had an incredible time. Of our 23 people, 15 ended up jumping, including one gal who decided to go topless for a small discount and a fellow who, while completely wasted the night before, agreed to jump naked for 100 Namibian dollars (the equivalent of less than USD$10). Apparently this group will do quite a lot for quite a little! In the meantime, we all hung out at the drop zone, chatting, drinking beer or cider (some to cool off, some to calm their nerves and eventually to celebrate their safe return), and cheering on the jumpers as they sailed back down to earth. It was a really incredible day and I have loads of photos and a great video as proof of it all (yes, including the less-than-clothed jumpers).

My skydive with Dries over Swakopmund, Namibia!

This evening I will be taking a horseback ride through the desert and along the coast, then we continue north into Namibia and toward Etosha National Park. From there, we should start seeing more and more animals and I’m really looking forward to that! We have one more night in our real beds here in our Swakopmund hostel, then it’s back to camping. In fact, the next two nights will be in bush camps without running water or electricity, so it’s about to get interesting (and smelly)!

I’ve really enjoyed my time on this first visit to Namibia. And, as always happens in a new country, my list of things to see and do here has grown exponentially and will require another trip in the future. I may be able to post again in the next week or so, but otherwise, I’m on tour until we hit Johannesburg, South Africa on the 27th . Keep an eye out before then, but if you don’t hear from me, assume I’m having a blast. It’s actually been incredibly easy to relax and unplug on this tour so far and I’m enjoying the freedom while I can.

I hope that 2015 has been kind to everyone so far. Sending you love and a dry, desert heat from Namibia!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year from Cape Town!

Happy New Year, friends! HOW is it already 2015? And HOW many conversations have you had in the last 24 hours about how quickly the year went by?

When I left off yesterday, I was just heading out to kill some time before check-in at my hostel. I did find a nice shady spot to read a book and eat a little picnic lunch. I wandered down to Sea Point Promenade, a large pedestrian and bike pathway that goes along the coastline from Sea Point to Three Anchor Bay to Green Point. It looks out on the ocean and there is plenty of green park space with shade trees, outdoor gym equipment, public art, and playgrounds. The weather was stunningly beautiful: bright, sunny, breezy, and not a cloud in the sky . . . I was still in my air travel/London outfit, but once I found the shade, it was extremely pleasant. My one mistake was forgetting sunscreen before I left for the walk . . . I now have a delightful red neck and a very subtle tan line about halfway up my forearms, where I had rolled up my long sleeves. NICE. No matter! I enjoyed the walk and the weather and particularly the people watching.

Three Anchor Bay, nearby to where I killed time before checking into my hostel.
After I was able to check in, I got settled and headed immediately for the shower. I cleaned up and cooled off and felt prepped and ready . . . for a nap. I knew that without one I wouldn't have the stamina necessary to truly enjoy a New Year's Eve out in Cape Town, so I went for it. Granted, it lasted an hour longer than I'd planned, but I think I needed it. It was terrible pulling myself out of bed, but I got dressed and ready and met my friends Alex and Claire, the English gals I knew from Zim, for dinner.

Considering that it had been four years since we'd seen each other, it really was delightful to get to catch up and spend an evening together! They've been back to Africa nearly every year since then, including stays at Antelope Park, so they were able to give me updates and talk about what has and hasn't changed there. We ate at this otherwise completely empty Chinese restaurant and our waitress was perhaps the cutest person ever. She was obviously new to serving and seemed a little unsure and timid, but she was just so sweet and pleasant that all of it was absolutely endearing.

Antelope Park 2011 Reunion!
After the meal, we snagged ourselves a cab and headed into the madness that would be the Victoria & Albert Waterfront for the party/concert/fireworks display that was taking place down there. It was crowded, to say that least, and people continued to pour into the area all night. After listening to some of the live music, we stopped in at the ONE bar that was not reserved for a private party to kill some time before the fireworks. Finally, just after 11:30pm, we decided to head back into the fray. The crowd had at least doubled since we'd gone into the bar, so moving around was . . . difficult. Finally, we walked about as far down the wharf as we possibly could and found a spot. Others, however, were unwilling to view the fireworks from any kind of distance at all, and we were soon sandwiched on all sides by other NYE revelers, simply trying to stay on our feet, keep track of our belongings, and not tumble over the railing into the patio of the nice restaurant behind us where wealthier attendees dressed in sequined dresses sat comfortably at tables eating tiramisu.

NYE sardines!
Now, on nearly any other night in my life, this would have driven me absolutely crazy and I'd have left. However, whether it was the delirium of jet lag, the proximity of good friends, or the adventurous spirit that always accompanies travel, I found the entire experience utterly hilarious. At one stage, a guy's man purse was squished into my belly while he took a photo with his girlfriend, another guy's armpit was next to my face as he tried to video the fireworks, and a girl's ponytail repeatedly ended up in my mouth briefly as she turned her head. WHAT?! Just too funny.

At least the fireworks were awesome!
After the fireworks, the expected mass exodus left us in a bit of a pickle (along with thousands of others) as to how to get home. Cabs were charging whatever the hell they wanted and my friends and I were going in two different directions. Eventually, and after a lot of walking, we worked it out, although it did still include people soliciting my driver to jump in the same taxi and him laughing and saying "bye" as he sped away when people looked incredulously at him after hearing what he would charge. In fact, we even left two other guests to my hostel in the dust before I could tell him that was the same place I was going! Sheesh. Eventually, a young couple joined me in the cab, headed in another direction, but grateful to have a seat in a cab at all. I made it home in one piece and then it was time for bed!

I slept until about 10:30 this morning and lounged in bed for another half an hour, trying to muster the will to move. Finally, I made it up and prepared to head out for the day to one of my very favorite places on this entire planet: Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens. I have been extremely fortunate to see a pretty good chunk of this earth and Kirstenbosch is easily one of the most beautiful places of them all. It reminds me of the phrase we learned about the Rococo style in my art history class in high school: "wild but nice." There are flower beds and manicured lawns and stone and dirt paths throughout the grounds, but there are also forests and ponds and the enormous, untouched majesty of Table Mountain as a backdrop. Everywhere you look there is beauty. Even the air is different there. Walking through the gates and into the gardens felt like I was replenishing my soul. Since I was last here, they'd also added a new canopy walkway made of wood and steel and designed after a snake skeleton that starts on the ground and rises up into the trees, looking out across the gardens toward the mountain. I walked it twice, it was so pleasant. Being a holiday, there were LOADS of people, particularly families, enjoying the day in the gardens. But that's another wonderful thing about them. Even with a huge crowd, it doesn't feel crowded. There are still little hidden nooks where you can find a place to be alone, or else you can pop a squat under a tree or on one of the lawns and watch people throw a frisbee or kids chase ducks and marvel at a tortoise. It was fantastic.

Hook 'em from Kirstenbosch's new Canopy Walkway!
One of my favorite views of the day: Table Mountain behind the walkway.
I came home around the back side of the mountain so that I could at least get a glimpse of Hout Bay and Imizamo Yethu, the township where I volunteered four and a half years ago. It all looks very much the same. It was, in fact, a little more emotional for me to see it all again than I was expecting. I found myself thinking about the little preschoolers I volunteered with who would now be well into elementary school. I thought about the amazing tour guide who had first introduced us to Imizamo Yethu and who has since passed away. I was reminded just how stark the aftermath of the apartheid years is there. I also found myself looking ahead to beginning my internship in a month or so, wondering about the new relationships and lessons that would come out of that.

After a long day, I decided that I wanted to join the throngs of people back down at the Promenade by going for a little run before sunset. There were hundreds and thousands of people in the parks and along the path, but luckily I chose the direction with fewer people the further I got. I headed toward Green Point Park, built around Cape Town's World Cup Stadium from the 2010 tournament. I had seen a soccer game there, but the park was not yet completed the last time I was here. It's nicknamed "the people's park" and is absolutely lovely. It's just across the road from the Promenade and is full of even more green spaces, playgrounds, walking paths, and ponds. It was nice to get moving and join in with all of the other folks exercising down there.

It's been a pretty low-key evening and now, I think, it is time for bed. I'll be heading up to Table Mountain tomorrow morning with Claire and Alex and we're leaving bright and early!

Again, happy new year to you all!